2 days late.


Alright y'all. I already have 2 little girls and a step daughter. My SO and I have agreed that while we want a child together we want to wait awhile since my youngest is just over 2 months old. My girl's "father" isn't in the picture and hasn't been since I was 9 weeks pregnant with my youngest. My SO has been there since I was 13-14 weeks with her. Anyway. We've been doing our best to stay safe, using condoms and what not, but hey no one's perfect. I was supposed to get my period 2 days ago and still nothing. I've taken two tests and they were both negative but the last one I took was the day before I was supposed to start my period. (I found out almost a week before my missed period with my youngest due to cravings that were out of the ordinary for me persuading me to test.) I still have no signs of AF making an appearance... Should I test again or wait a little bit longer?