how to be more involved I'm my child's education?


my daughter, now in middle school (11 years old) is getting passing grades(not A's) but I know she can do better.. how can I help? she just seems unmotivated and not at all liking school. if she has to put any efforts into work, she completely shuts down and gets frustrated there is always crying at the end of the day(homework can sometimes take her 3 to 4 hour to complete! even with help) she is already in a class that gives her extra help.

how can I make school a more positive experience?

how can I get her motivated to want to do better in school?

I asked her if she wanted me to go through her work before she turned it in yesterday and she said "it doesn't matter, I dont care". * this was after I told her she would get a reward if she can bring her grades up* something I told myself I would never do as a parent...

she has totally given up😥