I need someone to talk to

I have been with him for almost four years. I love him and I know that. We’ve had problems that we were working last with trust etc. and I believe it was a long and hard journey. I chose to keep investing my time even when I got really hurt. But now, I’m feeling as if my feelings aren’t being taken seriously. I know I’m a sensitive person but that doesn’t mean how I feel can be easily pushed aside. Because I always try to work on myself. I deserve love and respect... I just get so conflicted when things happen and it’s not that I believe I won’t be happy again with someone. It’s just I believe he’s a really great guy and I want to end up with him. But for example last night we had an argument because we like to cook together for fun, we’ve been really busy and haven’t gotten a lot of time alone. So without my permission or even talking to me he offered us both make dinner for his family. I didn’t have a major issue with that I just told him no I don’t want to do that because we’ve been cooking for fun and I don’t want it to become an expectation plus we’re poor college students. I told him it bothered me because he told his family that we would and now they’ll know that it’s because I don’t want to and I feel bad. They way he reacted to how I felt wasn’t okay to me. He said it was such an innocent thing to do and I gout that but he didn’t listen to what I was saying to understand it he was just listening to respond back. He has this problem with anger and acting on how he feels and it hurts me. So I told him that I was allowed to be upset and we had a long talk but then he got frustrated and said that initially I was being a “total complete bitch” about it word for word. He always says he’s working on his anger but then stuff like this happens. Do I give him time to change that? Because I want to grow and be better, not be stuck in the same problem because it’s so toxic. I wasn’t even cussing at him or anything to put him down and yet he said that to me and he’s never said anything that harsh to me.... I just need to talk to someone... I feel confused and hurt. I’m starting to doubt myself in every way there’s more i could say and problems and how I love him but I just really need to talk to someone who doesn’t know us personally yk?