3 year old public tantrums

I cannot go anywhere without my 3 year old throwing a full on SCREAMING tantrum. She screams so loud that people have actually covered their ears. It’s embarrassing.

I always take her outside to calm down, and tell her that’s unacceptable. I have talked to her, put her in time out, and left multiple places and taken her home where she was put in time out. I have tapped her butt. Nothing works. This has been going on for over a year.

Our apartment complex has cookies in the front everyday. I always tell her “if you are good, you get a cookie” well, she hasn’t been good. So when she sees the cookie, she immediately SCREAMS. Throws herself on the floor, rolling kicking, spitting at me. I pick her up and she then starts screaming “OW THAT HURTS” she knows damn well it doesn’t hurt. But of course people then start judging me.

Not long ago we were at target and they had a little play area. She played for about 20 minutes and then I told her it was time to go home and again, she screamed and cried and was so loud that a lady covered her ears. We ended up leaving our whole cart there because of it. She then was banging her head off the cart and hitting me.

We have a newborn and she constantly wakes him up and hurts his ears from her screaming.

2 weeks ago we were at a restaurant and I wouldn’t let her have my phone, or the knife and she THREW her whole plate at me. The whole plate of fucking food. Her dad took her outside and smacked her butt for that.

I can literally go on and on and on. It’s so bad that I find it hard to bond with her, I honestly feel like if it continues, I’m going to end up hating her. I know, horrible.

She has enough attention, she has enough play time. She just screams over every little thing. This morning she threw a hairbrush at the cat because I put her hair up.

Why is she doing this? When we are in public, if I do much as touch her she screams “ow! Let go! Hurts!” And makes everyone watch me. One lady followed me because she thought I was hurting her.. it’s horrible.

We don’t have enough money for daycare. My husband works 7 days a week so I stay home. We can’t afford a babysitter, we have no family or friends to babysit. I don’t know what to do anymore.