Reposted from General pregnancy to more forums. Help...please no judgement.


My husband is a recovering addict. He's been going to meetings and maintaining well. We even spent a while going to marriage counseling after our 4 month separation last year. I was like 90% ready to divorce him and move on... I got a job full time and moved myself and our kids.. I even started casually seeing someone. Here's where it gets ugly.

The man I had started seeing had a vasectomy 10+ years ago, and our relationship became sexual in nature.. I was not on birth control and never fell pregnant during our time together. Fast forward...

I brake off my affair, tell my husband about everything and how hurt I was, we decide to go to counseling. Things get better. He starts NA, I start therapy for myself... Things are really starting to look up. I got pregnant in March of this year. I found out on 3/6/18... it was a chemical pregnancy and I started bleeding on 3/11/18. I bled for about 6 days until 3/17/18. My husband took this loss quite hard, and relapsed. On the 17th.

So... i left. Again. On the evening of the 18th. I told him I couldn't keep doing this with him and he needed to figure out his shit. My affair partner saw me in town the following day and we got together and talked... I went home with him. I was weak and feeling sorry for myself. I know I fucked up.

My husband calls me on the 22nd and said he's arranged an appointment with our marriage counselor. I agreed to meet him there. Once again, I fully disclosed that I was with someone else and thought there was very little hope in saving my marriage. :/ well, that session was completely ground breaking for us and I learned quite alot about his addiction and how to help him.. I agreed to go back home. Things got sexual (I'm a sexual person) and on the 23rd, we were intimate.

Fast forward to April 9th... I'm still feeling the pregnancy symptoms from the chemical the month prior. I decide to take a test. It's still positive, but I don't panic. I think it's most likely hormones returning to normal.. I call my OB. She sets up HCG blood draws. To my surprise, instead of going down, they're doubling. I'm newly pregnant. I was given the Due date 12/16/18! Based off ultrasound AND my LMP on 3/11.

My question is...this baby belongs to my husband right?? My fertile window, according to most calculators was between 3/22-4/01. And my affair partner has a vasectomy.. what are your thoughts?? Please don't judge me. I know it's not ideal, but we're in a much better place now.