Not happy in relationship but I love him...

So me and my boyfriend have been together for 7 months now. He’s the only guy I’ve ever been with sexually and all that. I’m not confident at all. I’m a thicker girl and he’s a little skinnier. I absolutely love him so fucking much. But lately, I haven’t felt the love back. He tells me he loves me and he even cries and shit when I tell him I don’t feel like he does but I just don’t feel it like I used to. We used to be soooo happy and genuinely in love. But now, we argue frequently. We’ve tried everything to stop. But nothing works. I’ve found that he is really controlling and manipulative. He says shit to make me beg him to stay and feel bad for him and that I’m the one doing wrong and all that shit. my heart over powers my head. I WAS TAUGHT TO NOT LET SOMEONE LIKE THIS CONTROL ME AND HURT ME BUT I LET HIM ANYWAY. I don’t understand. I’m confused. I don’t know what to do😭😭😭 it’s like I love him, but I don’t love the way he is treating me lately.

Alsoooo..... I’ve been kind of attracted to his friend🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ I know that makes me sound like a piece of shit and like a hoe or something, but I’m telling you, he is so sweet. If he loves you, he’ll give you the good 🍆 and get you some food afterwards. He’ll die for you. He’ll spoil the fuck out of you and be the most loyal boyfriend you’ve ever seen. He knows HOW TO FUCKING TREAT WOMEN! He flirts with me all the time and it makes me feel really guilty. I would never ever ever ever everrrrr cheat. It’s happened to me before. I mean I’m attracted to his friend but I’d never leave him for him.

I don’t know what the fuck to do. I need advice 😭 I don’t want to end my relationship, so maybe something to reignite that fire or something like that? I don’t know. But I truly love him, but I’m afraid it’s not going to work out. 😖😭💔