Somebody please help me with my man child 😬

Taylor ♥️

So I’m 32 weeks pregnant, and I thought maybe after awhile my husband would at least start to help out around the house and boy was I dead wrong.

I work 40 hours a week, he works 40-50 in the winter. (He has a hard job, and I get that). But seriously come on, he puts empty cases of pop at the tops of our stairs and LEAVES IT THERE until I take it out. But it doesn’t stop there, the empty cases will turn into garbage bags.

He will watch me put a plate into the dishwasher after dinner, wait until I walk away and then put his into the sink. There was a point when I would find his garbage laying around the house (empty wrappers, pop cans, empty boxes in the cupboard) and I would put them where he would have to get rid of them. This included his recliner, or his side of the bed. It was PERFECT. But eventually he let it pile up and would sit on my side of the couch.

I’m telling you, he never picks up after himself unless his family is stopping by. My mom came over on Halloween, and did he lift a finger to help?? NOO. So she helped me bring the cardboard outside that had been sitting there for a week, that I had been asking him to take out for a week. Keep in mind, while we were cleaning the house, he was getting his hunting gear ready and making a bigger mess. Just now I asked him to take out his pop cases (I DONT EVEN DRINK POP) and he walked them out into the garbage. So I got up, walked outside and threw them in the recycling bin. 🤦🏼‍♀️

Last, I have been asking him to help me bring down his things from the baby’s room so I can get her room ready. And help me put up a shelf in the closet, that was 5 months ago and now I’ve been asking less and trying to figure it out on my own. I put together everything on my own, her crib, pack and play, rocking chair, you name it.

I could go ON AND ON and I wish I had some thing good to say about him but right now I just don’t. I am not prepared to take care of 2 children starting January 😣 does anybody else have a man child who could offer me advice because I am so worried I will be the only one taking care of our child 😞