Birth story


I know I'm a fee says late my little man was born the 9th via induction and I thought I'd share my story. I went to the hospital Thursday at 7 and they started me on a the pill to kick start labor at about 930 PM. Spent the night sleeping on and off, walking, labor ball. By morning I was at 3 cm so they broke my water and labor progressed a little faster. I tried to nap but contraction woke me up. I got the epidural the first time and it was helping until I wiggled wrong in my bed and it popped out. In Wyo the epidural is a catheter in your back. so I'm in tears waiting for the second which took forever to get. Ended up only pushing for 10 min 920 PM on the 9th qnd he was here.

Hr weighted 7 lbs 15.4 oz he is 20.5 inches long and his head was 14.5 in. I tore almost front to back.