Making my confirmation Thursday- Advice


So I was in the state of Mortal sin and I finally confessed it like 3 weeks ago when we had our retreat. Well stupid me as a teenager can’t go 2 weeks without falling to satan again and trying to pleasure myself with masturbation. I immediately felt bad after and wanted to find somewhere to go to confession. My school’s priest is a monk so he isn’t constantly on campus for confession like our old priest was and honestly I feel intimidated by the priest at the Parish I’m receiving my confirmation at. He’s extremely stern and I’ve heard he’s yelled at ppl b4 in confession and as a young teenager who’s 16 and already feels bad enough I don’t need that. So obviously I received communion after the fact which is another mortal sin but I feel like I have no choice. I would just receive a blessing instead but then my parents, mainly my mom, would ask me why I didn’t receive communion, and if I told her I needed to go to confession first she’d be like “Well it’s not like you committed a mortal sin cuz i know YOU would never do that.” She’s one of those great loving moms but at the same time really judgmental on things like homosexuality, death penalty, and mortal sin and stuff like that. If I ask her to take me to confession she would try to figure out in her mind why. So now I pretty much have no choice but to receive confirmation in mortal sin which is another mortal sin. It’s not liek I WANT to receive it like that, but I kinda have no choice. I know I am not bound by the rules or things my parents fo if I believe it’s wrong as a Christian, but still when ur trapped with parents like that until you get married, there’s kinda nothing you can do. I literally feel so terrible right now 😒😞