36 weeks and 4 days

I haven’t experienced any BH or anything like that and I haven’t lost ANY of my mucus plug and I’m having a healthy pregnancy. This is my first child so please give any advice if you can !

For the last few days I’ve had this extremely uncomfortable right lower back pain that hasn’t went away but feels like it gets just a tad bit worse every day. Tonight I had some Dominoes pizza and started having this extremely uncomfortable pelvic pressure that I assume is just gas from the pizza .... So I try to use the restroom or even just fart 🤷🏾‍♀️. Nothing comes out and that pressure just gets more intense. Not painful but extremely extremely uncomfortable and not easy to ignore. I wouldn’t compare them to period cramps but a couple times felt pretty similar I guess. It’s weird trying to explain. Since they say contractions are PAINFUL and “hard to miss” idk 🤦🏾‍♀️

So after waddling around the house a little and bouncing on my yoga ball , I drank the rest of my water ( drink almost a gallon a day) and laid down to go to sleep.


This pressure is just way too uncomfortable that it’s now affecting me sleeping. Baby is moving a lot I feel so that calms me down. I just don’t know what could possibly be going on. Should I just take a Tylenol PM? Since that’s all my midwife ever tells me to take. It’s too early to have a baby now right ? Help !