He’s been lying to me :(

We have been having money issues since adding some bills.. one of which is a gaming laptop that he went behind my back and got for rent to own after I told him to wait awhile we had just paid some stuff off but a week later here he comes with it. He doesn’t act sorry about it even though it’s hurting us. So this week we didn’t have our usual grocery money because we had to buy a tire so I’m stressed beyond belief honestly sick with depression knowing we have no money and all we do is work and I told him this! I’ve broken out from stress and I’ve been so depressed some dark thoughts having been looming over me..: but my husband today comes home after me freaking out not knowing what we are going to do about needing gas when we don’t get paid for another 2 days and have to get to two separate jobs and back home both days he tells me he didn’t actually pay the laptop this week and he had the 40 this whole time that he worked out paying them double next week.. that 40 is now 10 freaking dollars because he’s ate on it for 4 days while I took hotdogs to work today!! Not to mention that next week is our car payment and my birthday so what was suppose to be left so we can do anything remotely special.. yeah that’s not going to happen. He’s selfish, he really is! We have been together 4 years and I just want to reach a point we can manage our money and it not just disappear every freaking week but he doesn’t care and I hate this. I’m so upset that he would let me be so down just so he can have money all to himself. I think it hurts me so bad because I know I’d never do that to him. If I have any money it’s ours and I wouldn’t let him do without but it’s all I seem to do.