Welcome to the world baby Cecelia


Baby Cecelia Rose has arrived! At 40 weeks exactly I went to the hospital due to extreme menstrual like cramps and decrease in baby’s movement. They checked me and I was not in labor, but I was at 4cm. They offered to do an induction (which i was scheduled to have in 2 days anyhow) and I agreed. Instead of using pitocin, they used a pill called misoprostol, which they inserted in me to dilate and thin me quicker. They also used a foley bulb, which is like a balloon catheter. I quickly dilated to 6cm and that's when the contractions got very very strong. We paged for the epidural, but the anesthesiologist had a line of patients to see. I dilated to 7cm and they told me they didn't think I'd be able to have any medication for delivery and to prepare! They had already stopped the foley bulb and other induction techniques to try to space the contractions so I could wait for the epidural. These were very painful and unmedicated hours! After a few hours I was at 9.5cm and they told me they couldn't wait any longer as they didn’t think the anesthesiologist would be out of her c section in time to see me next. As they prepped the room and nurses started getting me ready, the anesthesiologist ran in-just in time!! I got the epidural and it slowed everything down. I was at 9.5cm and got to take a nap and relax to get energy back. It seems silly to get an epidural so late in the game, but with my first I had third degree tears and birthed a 10 pound baby. So, I was really scared to deliver without medication. Finally, I started pushing...and after only THREE pushes, Cece was born at 1:53am weighing 7.2 pounds. Her size was a big surprise as we were anticipating another big baby!