Fast/Easy Induction Story


Second time mom, this induction was so different from my first I am still trying to wrap my head around it! When I got to the hospital I was not dilated at all and baby was at a -4 station. The doctor, nurse and I thought we were in for a long night. I received a dose of Cytotec vaginally at 6pm, and was told I would be given another one and the Foley Bulb at 10pm after the doctor rechecked me, with the plan to start Pitocin in the morning. I had been having cramps all week, and they picked up almost immediately. By 11:30 I was having full blown contractions 2 minutes apart and called the nurse for pain medication. She said she would call the doctor to come check me. As she was in the room I felt a pop and my water broke. The doctor rushed in to check me and I was at 6 centimeters! I can’t believe I did that all on my own with no pain meds (I got the epidural very early the first time)! They gave me some pain medication in my IV and it took the edge off while they called for the epidural. I got the epidural at about 1am and they told me to take a nap. I had about 30 minutes of no pain, and then all of the sudden I could feel the contractions again super low in my vagina. I asked the nurse what it was and she said maybe it’s the head, maybe we need to adjust the epidural. So she called the anesthesiologist. He had no time to come. The pain kept getting more and more intense with every contraction until I was screaming at them that I needed to push. They checked me and baby girl’s head was crowning! They set up for delivery as I was screaming I have to push, and finally they let me. I pushed once and she arrived at 2:10am! It was such a whirlwind. I am supposed to be asleep but I still haven’t come down off the adrenaline so I am posting this instead. Lillian Harper born 11/14 at 6lb 7oz and 19.5 inches.