Ttc and my body lets me down every month 😭


Update: we did the sperm count and his sperm is low so that is why we are having troubles conceiving. Im putting him on a “fertility diet” and making him limit his drinking to two beers a week and limit his smoking too. We’re going to try icing his balls and supplements. Hopefully this helps. If anyone has other suggestions please let me know we really want a baby.

My boyfriend and I have been trying for a year. I was on depo for two years after having my four year old daughter with my ex(I was on depo from the time she was 6weeks till she was 2.5 due to relationship issues with my ex) my daughter was conceived in two months with me being off the pill for 6months and being drastically underweight( I’m 5’2 and was 95lbs due to anxiety and stress prior to conceiving my daughter). When I was off depo for a year and no period they did an ultrasound to make sure I had no blockage and my eggs were developing. Hey since we were trying to conceive my doctor put me on estrogen and pro just you can include me to get my period back and then it’s been back for year. A pretty regular 23 day cycle stuff for this month I was late and had every single symptom except for morning sickness which I didn’t have with my daughter. And exactly at the one week mark aunt flow shows up 😭😭😭 it’s light not like my normal Star not heavy flow. And the top I get my period to make matters worse once I told my boyfriend he responded with “By the sperm chuck test and then you can see if you really wanna marry me or not. I’m so over trying every month I’m let down. I feel like every month at Levi daughter Dsw at all she wants is a little brother or sister to play with because she literally like it would do the one thing that she wants and deserves. Sorry for the long post and ty for letting me cry and get everything off my chest.