Are some women prone to low hCG (and progesterone), no matter how far along in the pregnancy they are?


When I was pregnant with my twin boys, the positive lines on pregnancy tests remained faint from the first day I found out I was pregnant until close to 12 weeks. The nurse practitioner who I saw for my first prenatal appointment actually questioned if I was even pregnant, because I was around 10 weeks when I saw her and my pregnancy test came back really light. She said she would check for the heartbeat (at that time we didn’t know I was pregnant with twins) and if she didn’t find one when she used the Doppler, she would order bloodwork. She ended up finding the heartbeat (she didn’t know to listen for two), so she never ordered the bloodwork. I have no idea what my levels were like in my first pregnancy, but I’m in the very early stages of a pregnancy now, and my numbers are low. HCG is only 24 and progesterone is 2.4 as of yesterday. My doctor put me on 200mg of progesterone suppositories to take twice daily, but my pregnancy tests are getting lighter. I don’t know if I can assume the worse or chalk it up to being prone to having barely there lines like I did with my boys.

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