How do you deal w your mother in law if she treats you like shit

My mother in law is out of control controlling, out of control trying to get into our personal

Life through me, invasive, and doesn’t treat me like a person. My husband won’t set any boundaries w her but I feel

Like I can’t stand up and

Set boundaries myself w her. What do you do if your mother in law is out of control? I’m definitely thinking I need to do one and two block her on my phone and

Refuse to be alone w her. Has anyone

Actually stood up for themselves?

She is constantly telling me not to have a baby. She hardly knows me and she tells me I can’t raise one. She inquires as

To the balance of my personal account. My husband and I have separate accounts. And she in general doesn’t

Treat me

Like a person because I have a medical condition she found out about. She inquired further as to my personal finances and budget. Mine is separate from my husbands. I feel if she wants to talk like this she needs to address her own son not me. I’d like to tell her that she’s crossing boundaries and if she feels she needs to ask these questions ask her

Own son not

Me. And deal w what he tells her or doesn’t tell her end of


Any advice from

Pl who

Have crazy mother in laws. How do you set the boundaries wo directly confronting her?

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