Frustations (Venting)


So this is my third post MC cycle, and everything has changed. I was told my periods would probably be abnormal but... This is like reverting to being 15!!!

I feel like I used to when I was a teenager whenever I start my period. Heavy bleeding, heavy cramps, can't eat anything for a day or two without being sick. Last month I had to call off work on the first day of my period because of cramps and a migraine. That period lasted two weeks. Luckily today is my day off of work. I have a migraine, I'm so sick that I can't even imagine eating, my cramps are awful. Last month I stayed in bed for a whole day. Today I don't have that luxury. I started spotting a week ago, have been just generally sick all week and now on my only day off I'm basically locked to the couch in sickness and pain.

And the effect it's been having on my moods and anxiety are awful. I had a panic attack this morning over dropping my lip balm on the floor. I've already been having daily meltdowns over silly things like my husband not listening to me, or touching my butt too much. Yesterday I had a panic attack in Walmart just because they moved the aisle around.

It's miserable and frustrating. Plus three more friends announced they're having babies, and one of my coworkers gave birth on the 1st, so I'm already overly jealous and sad because everyone who's announced lately said "this wasn't part of their plan" and yet here I am, heading into a year of trying and nothing but a miscarriage and a year of misery.

My poor hubby is just trying his best to survive this while I try my best not to eat him alive for looking at me wrong, or telling me he's sorry for my misery (which he does often and even though normally I appreciate it, apparently this is a new normal.

But... As someone who has PCOS lemme tell ya: