It's hard to see others BFPs.

Ladies in this group, please read the rules and stop posting your BFPs. We've been trying SOOO long and I come here to help others with their journeys, to give advice, share my experience and so on.

But to be confronted with a plethora of BPF posts makes me no want to come here, not help others with advice.

I get that some of you don't mind the posts, however there is a room specifically for BFP posts that you can view there.

Ladies, please don't get me wrong. I'm happy for you, but when I'm sitting here feeling like crap because I've had to take medication that has side effects that lasts for WEEKS, I don't want to see your BFPs. When I've got a headache so bad all I want to do is sit away from noise and light, I don't want to be reminded by your BFP post that I'm struggling.

I know my infertility has nothing to do with you, and I'm not trying to take anything away from you. Just asking that you respect the rule of this group, and the poor women like me who have to go through hell to have a baby.

Thank you.