Sex during fertile window

How do I get my husband to have sex with me during fertile window?? We got pregnant twice before once but had miscarriages from both of those pregnancies in December and then April of this year. Since April we did all testing and I found out I have a blood clotting disorder and have to use Lovenox shots. I’ve been taking supplements doing acupuncture basically doing everything right. Finally 6 months later we were given the clear!! Well last month we only had se twice during my window and the same again last week. We did have sex on our peak day but still. We won’t get pregnant like this. We are supposed to go back to the fertility doc in January if we aren’t pregnant but how will I know we aren’t pregnant Bc we can’t or we aren’t Bc we haven’t even tried??? I’m so frustrated. Two miscarriages have been hard enough but to have an uncooperative husband is even worse . And I’m not pressuring him or even telling him when I ovulate. I initiate and it worked but then I tried again on Monday Bc I ovulated and he claimed he didn’t feel well. The worst part is I’m 39. We don’t have any kids and we started this journey when I was 38. I may not be able to get pregnant again so easily like before and I sure as hell cant if we don’t BD enough. If I try to have a talk with him he’ll claim im pressuring himbut I also can’t let month after month go by without us even trying. Now we did have sex during fertile window but I don’t think it’s enough. He doesn’t seem to get it. He thinks I can get pregnant anytime during he month. Are men stupid??? Help!!