Supply drop...

...the other day I took 2 servings of liquid dayquil, not thinking about my supply. I just wanted to not feel so sick. Well, I do not know if it's the reason I feel my supply has dropped.

The past few mornings I have not been engorged in the morning, which is normal for me. I was pumping every morning after nursing to help build a backup supply. Now I feel I just have barely enough for my LO to eat. I go back to work soon and need a backup supply as I cant pump at work as much as I should.

Should I just keep pumping a few times a day to help bring supply up? And drink more water? I dont have the money to buy anything to build supply so I need advice on how to do this without spending any money. Maternity leave has left us with no extra money to spend. Thanks in advance for any help and tips!