Relationship advice needed..

Im 19, my baby daddy is 31, we have twin 4 month old boys and im currently pregnant again.

I worked (October 2017), gave him my paycheck to help with bills (we were living together, and still are), clean, cook, treat him damn near like a king, and gave him his first kids.


His past relationships have been pretty rough, one ex La'Tarsha was an alcoholic and treated him like shit, and purposely started arguments and kicked him out etc.

Another ex, who is also his ex wife, Marva, didn't do anything.. Didn't clean, didn't help, was controlling between him and his friend (his roomate- she made him kick him out) etc.

Took them both on dates, took pictures with them (still has some with Marva) and when he talks about stories in the past with Marva, he gets emotional, mad..

He's never taken me out, we have no pictures together, he emotionally and physically abuses me, and my question is, why? (yes, I've asked him already, he just doesn't answer or gets mad that i asked a question like that..?)

Why does he treat me poorly when I've been better than his exes? I treat him better, i help, i gave him his first kids..?

He also says hes getting back with his exs?