Advice, please!


Alright so I was with a guy, but he broke up with me because he wasn’t ready for a relationship, which is fine, I understand! And because we’re on our exam leave and he gets stressed and having a long distance relationship would stress him out too, which is also fine! We’re still close, we talk everyday like we were before we were dating. Lately he’s been sending mixed signals and saying really cute things like he misses me and he misses our cuddles and that I’m a keeper, so I’m confused with that but we called each other yesterday and Tuesday in multiple different calls. Tuesday totalled to around 5 hours and yesterday was around 4.

He mentioned about if I’d met any other guys lately but he seemed kinda different when he asked, like wasn’t as up beat, but that might’ve just been me wanting to hear that.

Do you think he wants to be just friends or is there something else?