Need advice and help!


This is my first baby. I am 32 weeks but he is 33 weeks and I got sent home from work today because I was having bad pain in the sides of my belly and lower belly. I can feel him moving around still. But these pains made me nauseous and even brought tears to my eyes. I have a high pain tolerance so it was very weird that I started to cry over this. Are these Braxton hicks contractions or what?!?


I just got home about an hour ago from the hospital! I called my doctor and she told me to go in! I was having contractions and they did end up slowing down finally. They checked my cervix to make sure I hadn't dilated yet and thankfully I hadn't! I am still having them here and there but they said they should continue to slow down and ease up for me. And they just want me to rest! Thank yall for telling me your experiences so I can keep it all in mind!