For real??

Why do they make is seem soooo easy as if a guy just as much touches you that you may end up pregnant in school! And then you try for 8 long years and finally get that positive you had so longed for after the hundreds and hundreds you spent on test, ever remedy you ever read, OPK strips, thermometers, and all the tears and heartbreaks!

It all felt worth it that moment I received that positive! I felt on top of the world, a feeling so indescribable! And then all of a sudden it is ripped from you as you start bleeding feeling so helpless!

AND then they make it seem like it will be so easy to get pregnant again after the miscarriage! Here we are in November I miscarried on Aug 1, 2018 and have once again got another negative and another month with AF!

Sorry for the rant as you may tell I just started my period and am having a bit of a rough day!

I am very thankful that my periods are regular and everything just having a bad day!