Dropping out College

So, I’ve only done one term of college with some classes in high school as well, but I want to drop out. My entire life I wanted to go and my grandfather would say he would pay for it. Then my senior year happens and I chose to go to a community college before an university because I’m uncertain in what I want in life and figured I could save money (even my grandfather’s) if I did my first two years at the local college. Also, I was planning on moving in with my boyfriend. My grandfather found out and cut me off, not paying for my schooling. I had to drop a class fall term because I couldn’t pay for it and now I’m paying out of pocket. I don’t have an financial aid. Recently, I got a new job that I love (it’s not forever) but even with that money I’m not keeping up on payments. I don’t want to rely on my mom paying or anyone because they also can’t afford it. I’m also not being challenged and despise the idea that I can learn all the same stuff for free. So I want to drop out for a while. I want to go back, but I need to work on getting money first. I have big plans and college is only hindering me right now. I hate it so much, but I’m going to hate telling my family more. They literally won’t let me dropped out. I know the statistics are low for people going back to college after they stop school, but I can’t do it right now. It’s affecting me mental and financial. So, how do I tell my parents and family? I can’t do this right now.