Formula Feeding?


Hi Mommas!

Just curious how much your little ones are eating, how often, and how many weeks they are?

My girl was only 5 lbs 7 oz (5 lbs 2 oz when we came home after a week in the NICU) but she’s been such a good eater since coming home that she’s up to 8 lbs 9 oz as of almost 8 weeks! She’s still in the 4th percentile for weight so we’re not worried about her eating too much but it seems like she’s wanting more oz each sitting than normal? She’s been eating 4 oz every 3-4 hours since 4 weeks. Now (8 weeks old tomorrow) when she takes her 4 oz (especially in the evening) she’ll want an extra 2 oz about an hour later. She’s on formula.

The total number of oz per day is still about the same, it went up an oz or two the last week (from 22-24 oz to 23-26 oz a day) she just seems to want more at once. We’re not going to exceed 4 oz because of her reflux, we just feed more often but just curious how your little ones are eating?

My chunky little Ellie 💖