why does everyone have to rudely offer advise??


I am sorry just ranting! Ok so this shouldn't annoy me but suddenly i am getting "advise" on what i will need for baby when i should be induced. its more like told. My MIL is the worst, she told me no use buying a breast pump bc you dont know if you will be able to breast feed. she told me she asked the health dept about an owlet monitor and they said its expensive and not necessary. well ya i know but i still want it. i have been told to wait till Thursday to be induced so family doesn't have to take very much time off. told i will end up with the baby sleeping in my bed so no use for a bassinet. og my favorite is you need to have your tubes tied bc you are to old and high risk. they tell my SO all his fun and hobbys are over. Geez why can't people just leave us alone!