...little story to share

Jamie • Wife, Mama of two Angel Babies, Rainbow baby Nolan due July 2019 🌈

At work the other day, I ran into a female coworker and the topic of pregnancy came up. She asked me “Are you pregnant?” I said yes, but I’m not very far along. Then I explained to her that this is actually my third pregnancy this year and that the other two were losses. Her reply was “Well at least you know you can get pregnant!” (Something we all love to hear 😑). The conversation continued and I went on explaining to her that I don’t know why the two losses happened, that my doctor doesn’t see any immediate reason either (my uterus looks ok, my ovaries, and my hormone levels). I then tell her that we just found out my husband is VERY diabetic. His blood sugar has been super high for a long time and we had no idea until about a month ago. I explained to her that we were told that if high blood sugar goes untreated, it can actually cause a lot of damage to males including very unhealthy sperm. She replied “No, it can’t be that! It has to be that something is wrong with the woman!”
