she’s finally here 😍

Cassidy • Mommy to Kadence, Jocelyn and bonus mama to Isabel ☺️ #girlmom 💕

born at exactly 39 weeks on 11/14/18 at 8:17pm, my little Kadence Amora Claire finally made her entrance via csection, i was induced but i only had awful back labor and after 18 hours of contractions that were 1-2 mins apart and my cervix not changing at all, we made the decision to have a csection. turns out i had a fairly small uterus and she wouldn’t have fit well anyways AND her cord was around her neck THREE times!!! my doctor said it looked like my lower half of my uterus should’ve been at a 10 but my upper half didn’t look like it had been doing anything at all (which i had been trying to tell them lol). anyways, my little girl finally arrived, weighing 7lbs 1oz and 19 3/4” long. also, she has a head full of hair and latched quickly and almost perfectly 💕

sticking tongue out at daddy 😍