Gaining weight

Loryn • One little boy. TTC for #2 for 2 years

I’ve gone back and forth on whether I should post this or not because I don’t want to deal with people saying “be thankful for what you have” or just rolling their eyes at me but please hear me out.

Pre pregnancy I was 115 pounds and felt so healthy. My son will be 1 in two weeks and I am continuing to lose weight. I weigh 97 pounds right now. I can not put on weight. I need yalls recommendations for healthy foods to help gain weight. Yes I am thankful for being thin, but I am starting to look sick. I think I’m still loosing weight because he STILL breastfeeds around 5 times through the day and 3/4 times at night. I am a retired college athlete and I have horrible arthritis in my knees from injuries so I can’t eat just a bunch of crap to put on weight because sugary foods cause inflammation-making arthritis worse. Do any of y’all know of plan based protein powders or foods that help you put on weight??