Want an orgasm? Follow this step by step...

This is oral... if done right, it will produce an earth shattering experience.

First you need to be showered and shaved (or however you feel most comfortable)

I’m laying in bed, naked of course, he goes down on me. Licking my clit very softly at first and as I start to enjoy myself he adds more pressure. I’m playing with my nipples, it turns me on, his tongue 👅 starts going in circles (or what feels like circles) this motion feels amazing on the clit. He puts a finger or two inside my pussy and presses on my G-spot, firmly, he doesn’t finger me, just keeps it there, pressing, this increases my pleasure and I find myself grabbing the sheets and cumming so hard ... when I’m done cumming he waits a few seconds and goes for round 2... repeat for as many times as you can handle.

My max is 3 so far...

Note: best done straight out of the shower 🚿... also, you need to clear your head and not think about how you look or how you think you smell, just enjoy it!

If you are comfortable with it he can also raise your hood with the other hand and hold it like that so his tongue is directly on your clit, feels ammmmmmmmazzzzing