Septum in Uterus

Two weeks ago I was having spotting off and on for a week so decided to go to the ER since I couldn’t get an appointment with my family doctor till November 20. I’ve since stopped spotting and am feeling good. The doctor I seen in ER booked an ultrasound for me that I had done this past Tuesday. I am 9 weeks pregnant and the little peanut had a strong heartbeat of 176 beats per minute. The ER doctor called me this evening to tell me he was looking over the radiologist report from my ultrasound and that I have a septum in my uterus. He said lots of women go on to have a normal pregnancy but to follow up with my family doctor next week and they will make a referral to a OB for me. I did some research because I had no idea what a septum was and it seems like miscarriage rates are pretty high. Is anyone else going through the same thing I am? I am so freaked out. I probably shouldn’t of been researching.