Ovulated later with Geritol!

Tara • 25 years old. TTC #1 since 7/2018 with my husband of 3 years. ❤️

Hi ladies, just wanted to share my experience with Geritol. I started taking the liquid version on CD3. In the past, I’ve ALWAYS gotten a + OPK on CD14, and EWCM beginning a couple days prior. I was concerned this month because I hadn’t gotten any EWCM leading up to day 14, and was getting extremely negative OPKs from CD 12-14. Late Wednesday (CD14) and all day yesterday (CD15) I was finally getting some EWCM. I used an OPK yesterday early in the afternoon and was still getting a negative line (although a little darker than the previous few days). By last night, I had LOADS of EWCM and decided to BD just in case. 😊 Well, I’m glad I did because I FINALLY got a strong positive OPK this morning (CD16) 2 days after my usual + OPK day. Gonna BD again tonight and hoping it’s our month! 🤞🏼 Prayers and baby dust for all you ladies!