I Need Advice

I never thought I would be this person, it I just don’t know what to do.

First I want to start out by saying my husband is amazing. He’s an active part of his sons life, in fact he’s a stay at home dad. He drives me everywhere since I don’t have my license.

Now, where I am stuck is here. He’s lazy. When I say lazy I mean he doesn’t do anything. He’s also horrible with money.

Let’s go back a few years. We were both working full time jobs and my son hadn’t been born yet. We bought a trailer that needed work which is fine as he did home remodeling. He was calling off work all the time all his money was being blown on weed and just frivolous things. We found out we were going to have my son and towards the end of my pregnancy he just quits his job. Now I think he’s going to start working on the house. We had no flooring and just other things needed to be done. While I was working and pregnant he stayed home and did absolutely nothing. Now when I say nothing he didn’t even clean up pop cans after himself. I ended up getting preeclampsia and was In the hospital for a few weeks until I had the baby. HE DID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING while I was in the hospital. Not to mention the day they decided to do my emergency csection I couldn’t get ahold of him because he was sleeping from partying the day before.

So fast forward to now... we lost the house because my bills were too much and I couldn’t Afford them because I was the only one working. His brother offered for us to rent an extra house out that he owns. My husband had over 4 jobs this year and none of them he kept for over 4 weeks. So we were unable to pay rent and most of the bills. I had to end up going back to my old company and pick up a second job to make it by. So now he is watching our son being a stay at home dad. But he does NOTHING. He doesn’t clean up after they have lunch he doesn’t clean at all until I start freaking out because the house is disgusting.

Well now we are getting kicked out because we keep getting ticketed by the city for the outside of the house not being kept up. We are going to be living in separate households when we leave here because I don’t make enough to get a place and we dk t know anywhere we can stay with all 3 of us. I will be taking our son with us.

Is it wrong of me to not want to get another place with him? Is it wrong that I am excited to do this because it feels like a new beginning to me?

I just basically need advice. What would you do if you were in my shoes???


I wanted to add the fact that we have been together for 9 years, so it’s been 9 years of this and I’ve left him multiple times for this reason. We’re also 28 years old, so we’re getting a little old for this I feel like.