I still love him

It has been 4/5 months since my ex and I parted ways and I cannot get rid of my intense feelings for him. I have barely spoken to him in this time and I miss him more and more everyday.

He ended it with me due to the fact I was starting college, and he was in a very hectic place in his life with work and travelling and felt he couldn’t give his all in a relationship. I was and am heartbroken... I saw him a couple of times but kept words short and sweet but other than that I have no clue how he is or how he feels. We ended amicably and said we’d stay friends but that hasn’t happened.

I want the best for him and want him to be happy and I think I really still love this boy, I miss what we had but I am aware it’s gone... but for some reason I cannot let go and just be happy it happened- I keep holding onto the idea he might come back and obsessing over every little detail I see on his social media etc.

Is this normal? Will I get over it?

Sometimes I just wonder why I wasn’t enough for him when I would have given him the world.