Had my baby at 23 weeks

Dajhona • March 2018 🐣💜 November 2018 💪🏾💜

I did not expect to have my baby so soon, I was admitted to the hospital 5 days before I had him because of bleeding and bulging membranes I was going to be on hospital bed rest till baby came and on Wednesday night I started bleeding a lot and I was having some contractions then the contractions got worse and I ended up having to go to L&D things happened so fast one minute I was in the higher risk room the next I was going to have my baby. I want able to get an epidural because of how fast things happened but I did like 2-3 pushes and he came right on out and the NICU staff did what they had to do and then they took him away. He is now in the NICU doing good I just hope the best for my baby boy and I know he is a fighter and we will fight this together.

UPDATE: wow I didn’t expect to receive so much love from everyone. I want to say I appreciate all of the love and prayers sent my way for my baby and family. My son is doing good he is finally taking my breast milk and he had to be under phototherapy for jaundice but since his bilirubin levels are doing good now he doesn’t need to be under the phototherapy so that’s good, he is making some progress. Also they had to do a brain scan to check to see if there was any bleeding in his brain unfortunately he did have some bleeding but it was just a little bit and most likely it won’t cause developmental delays later on in the future so that was kinda of worrisome to think about but I know my little guy will be okay.

UPDATE : my baby boy is now 36 weeks he has gotten so big he is now on low flow oxygen he is 2oz shy of weighing 5lbs. Sadly he does have stage 3 ROP so he might need to get laser eye surgery I’ll keep updated with tha. But so far so good he is making progress little but surely, oh he also takes a bottle now ranging about 20ml per feed sometimes less but that’s okay we make progress as we go he takes 39ml for a whole feeding and he is drinking more than half in a bottle.