Fertility pills (Letrozole)

Keshia • Married ttc baby #1 for 4.5 years. Momma to two fur babies.

Have any of you ladies taken Letrozole that was a successful pregnancy? I’m starting on the third day of my next period which should be in 3-5 days.

My husband and I have been trying to conceive 3 years come January with no luck. We’ve both been to the dr’s for blood work and other tests and they can’t seem to find what is wrong. My gyno thinks I’m not ovulating properly or sometimes not at all. My cycles are all over the place can be anywhere from 23-31 days. I pee on the strips to see if I’m ovulating but it hasn’t been too accurate because I got almost a positive test the day after my period was done... that doesn’t seem right to me or my gyno.

She also said it sounds like I have this condition where this hormone in my body makes it seems like I’m ovulating so when I pee on the sticks it’s as positive but really I’m not ovulating.... If that makes sense.

I should also mention that I had to the highest degree before cervical cancer and had to get it lasered off… but my gyno said it shouldn’t affect being able to get pregnant.

My question is if you have taken this pill, did it make your pregnancy more difficult or your labour more difficult? I’m scared if I’m gonna take this I’m forcing my body to do something it naturally shouldn’t and it’s gonna make me have a bad pregnancy/labor.