Why is TTC baby #2 so much harder than the first


In my situation my daughter was not planned. Ironically her dad and I had a pretty rough relationship and we hadnt slept together in about a year. The night we did it apparently was the right night. I moved out when my daughter was 4 months old. She is 2 now. And in that time found the love of my life, got married, and now were trying for baby #2 and we've been trying naturally for 6 months. Just recently started using OPKs, havent tried temping yet. But really hoping for a BFP soon.

Anyone else TTC baby #2 and just want a friend. Someone they dont really know and can share their secrets and follow along their TTC journey. Maybe exhange emails or talk on facebook messenger. I dont have many girlfriends that understand and just want someone to chat with.

Anyways. Best of luck to everyone!