He crossed the line 😡😡

💯💯 • Don’t get mad, bitch GET GLAD

So my boyfriend cannot help but to spoil literally every movie or show we watch😂 if he’s seen it, he’s going to blurt out the ending it’s like he really can’t help it 😩 the movie will just have started and he’ll be like... “oh yea, I remember she’s gonna get her head sawed off” like

Ya just had to spoil this one too babe? Well he CROSSED THE FREAKING LINE y’all 😒😒😒

I’ve been watching Gossip Girl religiously for like 6 months now... (I’m late I know) this boy had the audacity text me and tell me who gossip girl was. mind you he hates the show & never watches it with me but knows I’m into it. Apparently he saw on twitter something about it and just had to tell me😭

I’m dumping his ass
