My Wife and My Ex “husband”- and OUR family.

Temeeka • 🌈 🏳️‍🌈 Mother of 4 15, 14, 13, 11.... TTC for our first Surrogacy.

I’ve noticed a few times I’ve made some comments in regards to my wife and ex “husband”.....

Him and I spent 7 years together and had 3 beautiful children (ones with darker skin & eyes).

Him and I even when we separated lived together, there’s never been anything negative between us , so it was a simple decision to stay living together.

5 years ago my wife and her daughter came into our family.

He raises her the same as he raises ours,

We have dinner together every night .

We go out to dinner as a family most weekends.

We iron his shirts for his dates, and she does his hair for him when it needs a cut...

We all do Christmas, and every birthday together.

There really isn’t a time we don’t hang out.

When I’m at work, and he has the day off, him and her will make dinner, clean the house, or do whatever needs to be done.

When her and I have date night, we leave all the kids with him.

When my wife and I need to go and inseminate because I am TTC to be a surrogate for a gay couple, the kids will either come with us, or stay with him.

My life is something I worked hard for, he also worked hard for his.

My wife walked into this happily, and him and her have become the best of friends.

Not many people can pull it off, but I wouldn’t have my family unit any other way.

Anyway, here’s some pictures of my Whanau xxz