What do I do ? I love him

So two weeks ago me and the guy I was dating were talking via text we had been going through a really rough time in our “situationship” because he did some fucked up shit two weeks before, one night I picked him up from his house mind you we stay two hours apart he has lost his job, his mom crashed his car and I had been taking care of his phone bill, making sure he eats, haircuts, fixing his resume, paying for everything he has not once come out of pocket for me only to buy a pizza one time! I’ve spent hundreds of dollars on him and I didn’t even have the “girlfriend” title, so August 16th was the first time he’s ever told me he loved me I personally don’t take “I love you’s” lightly so I was extremely happy I felt we were finally moving to something more serious, September 29th he came over we had sex , talked then he hits me with “my mom thinks we should just be friends because I’m going to start school and working” my body tensed up and my heart started beating so fast because he flip flopped like how you go from wanting to get married, have kids, etc to “FrIeNdS”🥴 so I got upset left the house for a bit came back talk and fucked again then the next morning HE FLIPS again this clown had the nerve to say he never told me he loved me and “DiD I sAy I lOvEd YoU oR i LoVeD wHaT yOu Do FoR mE” so that brings us back to why I was upset with him, two weeks ago we were supposed to get a hotel and talk things out because it was draining all I wanted was an apology like I told him if he didn’t love me I just wish he’d never had said it so that same day we were making arrangements for the hotel my friend DMd him calling him out on something that wasn’t even that serious like I wasn’t tripping at all and he text me that he’s done with me also after I had send him money for food💀 we haven’t talked since that last text I sent saying I’d leave him alone but I just feel like he folded too quick we’ve been through way worse than something that small and he just ended it before we got to talk it out in person I get my friend shouldn’t have messaged him at all but damn I’m hurt I’m considering DMing him since his phone is off but not sure if I should just move on 🤧


so I definitely have left him alone and moved on to someone better the man I’m dating is so sweet but I am taking things slow so now that I’ve moved on and im happy guess who decided to request MONEY FROM ME via cashapp🙄💀

The nerve 😒