Miscarriage or unusual AF ??!

Last cycle I was convinced we’d finally conceived my boobs where sore, I was 3 days late, I was feeling sick and dizzy and tired I took a pregnancy test and got a very faint line ... then I took two more a couple of days later and got negatives, but the symptoms continued to stay, then I had this horrendous pain and started bleeding like could feel it flowing it was bright red and full of lumps followed by a huge clot my Periods are usually quite mild but this was completely different.

I posted on a mums group on fb convinced I’d had a miscarriage, asking for advice, I got removed and an inbox full of abuse for lying about it, one girl went as far as to show me her positive pregnancy test and bump pictures and watermark them so I I’m her words “won’t steal them and pretend they’re mine since I’m obviously that kind of sicko”

It tore me up inside I tried to explain but nothing I said got through to them, this was a whole month ago and it still plays on my mind.

I’m the woman who lied about having a miscarriage... except I’m not....I’m just terribly confused and frightened and broken.

I don’t know what the point of this is, but I feel better getting it out there.

I know others have confirmed pregnancy and lost it and that is so much worse, but a loss even if it wasn’t really a physical loss is still painful and still haunts you.