Acupuncture- try it!

Just wanted to share my experience with acupuncture. Ttc earlier this year and we got pregnant first month using preseed. Ended in MC and went through medical mgmt twice...didn't work and finally did d&c. I've had 5 periods since and it was heavier than normal and really clotty. Started acupuncture a month ago. So 1 hour sessions - 30 min full body massage and 30 minutes acupuncture. This month my period came right on time and very much less clotty. I usually bleed for 4 days but this time round I am on day 6!Every thing just flows more smoothly. She says this will help unblock the tubes and encourage blood flow in the uterus. I am planning to ttc again in a few months that is why I am prepping now.So ladies, if you've tried every thing but acu. Give it a go!