Am I Seeing What I Think I Am Seeing???

Kalee (Said Like Cali Not Kaylee)

So I have taken 4 pregnancy tests in the last 12 hours!!!!! I am a week or more late on my period. (It does happen sometimes as I have been on BC for 15 years) and my nipples are sore and tender, some nausea, some starving issues, even though I ate not to long ago, ill be hungry as all heck and then start eating and then get nauseated, my moods are off the charts with the anger and crying(even more than normal around period time), Im peeing like crazy and peeing kinda a lot when I caught and everytime I caugh. So ive taken 4 tests so far. I went off my BC 2 years ago to start TTC and I lost half of my hair and we unfortunately lost who we call Little Johnson exactly 1 year ago this month to the day!!! (11·16·17). I am reading them as positives but am not so sure as they are kind of faint lines. I have taken these before and only 1 other time have I gotten a faint line and that was last year right before we lost little Johnson. Id like to say I take them often after taking the ovulation tests, getting an LH Surge and then after some time has passed to see if it took and make sure if I am or I am not pregnant as we are TTC and are so patiently waiting for that positive test!!!!! The 1st 2 were on super diluted pee!!! (I had my Black Label Line Dance Team Practice from 5pm -7pm and had slammed down 4 20oz gatorades in a 2 1/2 hour span!!!) So a bit of back round explination over and now to the questions needing answers!!!!!

Test number 1 was at 8pm and test number 2 was at 9pm last night(11·17·18), test number 3 was at 12am. (11·18·18) which was darker and the last and 4th test was at 830am(my very first per of the day) which again was a bit darker than the rest!!!!! Am I really seeing what I am seeing????? Are My eyes deceiving me??? Am I just stupid and so hopefull that i am seeing what I want to see!!!!! Ive showed both my roommates(not my hubby as id like to surprise him if I am) and 1 who is a mom says "Those are for sure positives!!!!!!" the other whoms a man says "Yes I see faint lines but I'm not the one to say for sure!!!"

Please ladies help me out here!!! Am I pregnant?????

P.s I do plan on getting a pregnancy test that says pregnant or not pregnant instead of lines today and possibly stopping at and urgent care for a pregnancy test as it'll take 3 more weeks to get into my reg doctors office!!!!! But I am bursting at the seams and needed to tell someone until I can leave to go do all of that and/or get yalls opinions!!!!!

Thank Yall so much for taking the time to read this, check out the pics and comment if you so chose too!!!!!

~ K