How are you?

I cannot tell you whens the last time i heard “how are you?”

I wish i had friends. You know the ones you don’t need to talk to everyday but they check in on you.

Mine dont do that. I openly talk about my depression hoping someone will reach out and nothing 😔

I check on everyone. Maybe not when im supposed to but i try. Ive helped people seek help with mental health issues and yet i still don’t have anyone that’ll make sure im taking my meds or i even got outta bed today. Is that too much to ask?

I just want to be loved and liked for who i am but seems like nobody cares and im drowning. I cant keep this up.

Only time someone cares is if i ask how they are first.

My husband tries so hard and hes my best friend honestly i tell him everything but this is pathetic im even crying right now.

I dont even know the point of this post anymore. Felt good to cry. Even if it wasn’t all of it.