D&C - Tablets - Natural Miscarriage

Layla • Mammy to Sophia, who was 2 in June 💕 had a mmc end of Nov 18 😢, Pregnant with 🌈 👶🏼 💙 .. 👨‍👩‍👧 + 🌈👶🏼💙 EDD 12/11/19 🤞🏼💕

Hi Ladies, for anyone that’s gone through a missed miscarriage, need some information of how things went!

How long did it take to go naturally?

And if you didn’t go naturally,

Did you take tablets to start things. What were they like??

Or did you have a D&C??

Which was the “easiest-best” option for you?

I’m afraid of a D&C as I heard it can cause scarring, and the tablets can be very rough and painful I heard??

I’m afraid it’ll take ages to go naturally! 😢😢

Thanks ladies! 😢😊💕