If your boyfriend said this..

If you and your boyfriend had plans to spend the weekend together kid free and he text "I fucking hate my life so much right now... I just wanna curl up in a corner and cry... 😞😞😞"

After asking what's wrong he says

"My life is just going to shit.... I'm stuck with kids til their mom shows... that's the b.s. I'm dealing with. And I hate my life right now coz its like I can never have a weekend to myself. Sorry. "

How would you react?? He has 3 kids with 2 women and he has custody of 2.

So far I have taken a step back,this is making me rethink things.

I told him "that's life" cause well that's life with kids. I have full custody of my son(not his kid) and only get 1 night like once a month away from him and I don't bitch and complain or say I hate my life,I chose to have my child.

Him acting like that makes me think,how is he going to act if we ever live together and my kid is around 24/7.

I am thinking about breaking up with him over this but trying to figure out how since he is sensitive 🙄

Thanks for the replies.

I do know parenting can get frustrating,believe me. My child does not have a father in his life so I have to beg family to take him every once in awhile to get a break but when things don't go as planned I dont go all dramatic about it saying i hate my life.

Kids mean life is unpredictable.

If we live together kids will always be around,we wont have a moment to ourselves and I wonder if he could actually handle that without being a dramatic baby.

I plan on talking to him,I just havent yet cause this just happened on Friday and I'm processing to go about it the best way