Our rainbow is in the works! ❤️🌈😭

I got my mirena out a year ago. It took us 6 months to get pregnant and then I unfortunately had a mmc at 7 weeks in June and it took a month of me trying to pass my miscarriage and I finally opted for a d&c. That’s been 4.5 months ago and I was starting to lose hope. I opted not to use OPKs this month and hold off on the HPT as long as I could bear. Today is 10 dpo. And I got a giant positive! And then with non fmu, a positive digital!! 😭😭 I’m so excited and SO scared!! Af isn’t due for 4 days so I’m only 3w2d with a due date of August 2, 2019. Hoping and praying for a sticky baby 🤞🏻