My smelly vagina story

Rose • Fiancée and mother of two.

I don’t need negative comments. I’m sharing this here because it’s not something that you can post on Facebook, but I needed to tell someone. If you wish to be negative, please move on.

So, for the past few weeks I had been noticing that my vagina was really strong smelling. Not at all in a good way, like it was SMELLY. One hour after a shower and my panties already smelled bad and there was always a bit of a brown residue. It was extremely upsetting and I asked my best friends about it and did all sorts of research on what could be wrong. Diseases, pH balance... I was about to head in to the doctor when last night I finally discovered what the problem was.

Now I am telling you guys this, despite how disgusting it is, as a warning or precaution to you.

It was a fucking tampon. A tampon that I had put in weeks ago as an after-period precaution. Like when it’s over but you don’t know if you’re going to have one more random leak. The string must have been shoved up there during drunk sex or something 😆. The tampon was not bloody, thank GAWD, but it was just horrid. And smelled so fucking bad. I had read about this happening but never thought that it was going to happen to me. I’ve been getting my period for almost 12 years. This shit could cause Toxic Shock Syndrome or any number of diseases.

Moral of the story: PLEASE check for forgotten tampons whenever possible. 😭