Complex cyst

Hi all. I was having pain in which I knew was my right ovary. I had an ultrasound done and they found a 2 cm complex cyst. I was so worried. The gynecologist ran the CA 125 blood test on me. The results came back normal and my gyno wants to take the watch and wait approach, giving me another ultrasound in a month. I am having some pain from it still and some thick stretchy white discharge but that could just be from where I am in my cycle. I’m mid cycle. Have any of you ladies experienced something like this? Do you think I should trust the watch and wait approach? I feel like if it were to get bigger I’d know because if it’s hurting me at 2 cm it will probably hurt me if it gets bigger. I have high anxiety and my mind always goes to the worst case scenario, thinking I have cancer. Ugh. Do complex cysts go away on their own?